The platform
Boost is a collaborative platform for bringing actors into contact, sharing knowledge and solutions between them, and methodological support, for a agroecology adapted to tropical zones and countries of the South.
Connect to knowledge!
BoosT-AE should facilitate the production and sharing of knowledge and methodologies required to carry out the Agroecological Transition (AET) in tropical areas by:
- identifying, listing, delivering knowledge on diversity solutions, the effects and the impacts of these agro-ecological solutions according to the contexts.
- producing additional knowledge from research and cross-analysis of existing experiences
- facilitating consultation and reflection on agroecology between those involved in its promotion
- facilitating the appropriation of practices in agroecology through knowledge of the most appropriate support methods.
Find the knowledge you are looking for efficiently
Boost-AE gives you the opportunity to to respond to all the questions you can ask yourself about agroecological transitions in the countries of the South. A powerful search engine allows you to search for the corresponding information and knowledge in all the results and resources produced by the various Boost-AE partners. < /p>
Update your data to BOOST your visibility !
Are you involved in Agroecology? Boost-AE makes it easy for you to showcase your organization's skills to others. through a presentation sheet of your activities, thus giving you the possibility of to promote you locally or abroad; the international.
An interactive and user-friendly fully map-based web portal:
Boost-AE is an interactive and collaborative web platform designed to enable actors in the agroecological transition in tropical areas to find all types of partners, public and/or private, that they are looking for. Understanding "who does what" and since when in a region of action is an important asset to better quickly target the networks of relevant partners for any new cooperation or development project.
The relational mapping allows you to navigate to; through the relationships of the entities referenced in the network. It works in the same way as geographic mapping. A click in the actor bubble on the map or in the list of results, opens the complete file of the actor...