The platform
The Boost Agro&ecology 3AO platform
Boost Agroecology 3AO is a collaborative platform for bringing together actors involved in the agroecological transition in West Africa, sharing knowledge and solutions between these actors and supporting m’ methodological to updating the scale of agroecology in West Africa.
Take advantage of the Boost Agro&ecology 3AO platform!
BoosT-AE 3AO should enhance the visibility of actors involved in the agroecological transition, facilitate the production and sharing of agroecological knowledge by:
- Diversity Knowledge Identifier agroecological solutions, the effects and impacts of these solutions in their context of application
- Facilitating consultation and reflection on agroecology between those involved in its promotion (farmers, young people, women, consumers, researchers, civil society, decision-makers...)
Strengthen your knowledge with the Boost Agro&ecology 3AO platform
BoosT-AE 3AO gives you the opportunity to to strengthen your knowledge of agroecology. A search engine that gives you access to information and knowledge and resources produced by the various members and partners of 3AO.
Increase your visibility by updating your data on the Boost Agro&ecology 3AO platform!
Boost-AE 3AO allows you to make your organization, your activities, your skills known to everyone. through a presentation form that you can fill out and update at any time. any time.
The Boost Agro&ecology 3AO platform to map the actors
Boost Agroecology 3AO is an interactive and collaborative web platform designed to enable members of the Alliance for Agroecology in West Africa to find partners, public and/or private, which they are looking for. It makes it possible to understand and better target the relevant partners according to their field of action. Mapping makes it possible to know the area of intervention of the actors referenced in the platform.